Medora’s 124th class preparing to graduate


At 7:30 p.m. Friday, the dozen members of the Medora High School Class of 2024 will file into the gymnasium. They will leave about a half an hour later with a diploma in their hand and ready for a new chapter in their young lives.

Kacie Inscoe — one of those graduates to be — spent 12 years attending one of the state’s smallest schools.

Inscoe, the son of Rebecca Graham, said the smaller class size at Medora was something that he liked about attending school there.

“You always know everyone and always get along with everyone,” he said.

Everyone also looks out for each other, Inscoe said.

“I started playing basketball in fourth grade and played all the way up to my senior year,” he said.

The 19-year-old plans to attend Ball State University in Muncie later this year to study computer science.

“It’s the only thing that really challenged me,” Inscoe said of his potential career choice.

He said math was the subject he fared best in, but he enjoyed computer science.

His least favorite subject?

“Probably English” Inscoe said.

He said his advice for younger children just starting school was stick with it and just have fun.

Once the class has filed into the gymnasium to the national anthem, senior class Vice President Levi Emmons will lead the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer. Senior Class President Brooklyn Wilkerson will then give the welcome, followed by Jordan Starr giving the salutatorian address.

After a Class of 2024 video presentation, senior Jenna Bowers will give the valedictorian address and then school board President Joe Campbell will give an address. Principal Kara Hunt will then present the 124th graduating Class of Medora High School to Superintendent Roger Bane who will then distribute the diplomas. Wilkerson will then lead the turning of the tassels followed by the recessional.

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