Acme fire station in Hamilton Township officially recognized


The population of Hamilton Township can rest easier knowing there are two fire stations in the area now.

The Insurance Services Office, which collects and evaluates information from communities on their fire suppression capabilities, recently recognized the new fire station in their PPC (Public Protection Classification) rating system.

The new station is located at 7019 N. County Road 100W in Acme, an unincorporated community in Hamilton Township.

The Hamilton Township Volunteer Fire Department’s main station is located on the northside of Cortland.

“It’s roughly five and half to six miles from here,” Chief Cody Hercamp said while at the new station. “So, there’s a gap in coverage from Freetown to here.”

The idea for second station in Hamilton Township has been discussed since the 1980s but there was never a piece of land available, Hercamp said.

An engine, brush truck and tanker are all housed in the new station. Brush trucks have the ability to drive in rough terrain and are used to respond to wildfires. Tankers haul water.

The primary source of funding for the new Acme station was the Hamilton Township Fire Protection District, the department’s taxing entity. Community donors played a role in funding the new station as well, Hercamp said.

“This new station is will help cut down response times and also help residents’ homeowner’s insurance go down,” Hercamp said.

Homeowners who live within five road miles of the station in Hamilton Township are encouraged by the Hamilton Township Volunteer Fire Department to contact their insurance carrier to inquire about possible rate reductions.

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