Tribune email change

What in the world would we do without email?
Well, we’re finding out!
TheĀ  Tribune is going through an upgrade to our email system and once it’s complete, we’re excited about the improvements we’ll see.
Unfortunately, getting from Point A to Point B in that process is not without a few speed bumps.
So if you have sent an email to any of us at the paper in the last 48 hours, may we kindly ask you to re-send it?
You can email Aubrey Woods at [email protected]; Erika Malone at [email protected]; Jared Reedy at [email protected]; Dakota Locker at [email protected]; Arv Koontz at [email protected]; Lew Freedman at [email protected]; Cathy Otte at [email protected]; Barb Walters at [email protected]; or Robin Sporleder at [email protected].

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