Bids made for paving improvements at Seymour parks


Local contractors are currently making bids for paving improvements to Seymour parks.

On Thursday, city Engineer Bernie Hauersperger spoke before the Seymour Board of Public Works and Safety on rebids for park paving improvements. Original bids were made last fall. The primary reason for rebidding was because the original bids were overbudget on what was expected. The lowest original bid was from Milestone Contractors for $286,775.

The engineer’s original estimate for the paving improvements was $220,000.

All-Star Paving of Seymour then made the lowest bid of $238,938.50, while Dave O’Mara Contractor of North Vernon bid $279,375 and Milestone Contractors of Columbus bid $284,900.

”Without the price from All-Star of $238,938.50, we probably wouldn’t look that smart in rebidding,” Hauersperger said. “But the All-Star bid saved us considerable costs.”

Paving improvements at Westside Park will include expanding parking to the edge of the lot, adding angled parking and repaving the basketball court. At Gaiser Park, the parking lot and pickleball court will be repaved.

The board did not make a final decision on a contractor because of the absence of a board member. The bids were taken under advisement, and the board will do a digital vote on the matter at a later date. The results will be read at a public meeting and entered into public record.

In addition to park paving improvements, Hauersperger is working in collaboration with the Indiana Department of Transportation on expanding the community trail that starts at Agrico Lane and ends at the Jay C parking lot.

“It’s going to be an exciting agreement we have with INDOT,” Hauersperger said. “We also hope to continue the sidewalks and trails elsewhere in the city.”

Hauersperger presented a joint use maintenance agreement between the city and INDOT to the board, and it was unanimously approved.

Hauersperger also addressed a scope of work change for the reconstruction of West Second Street. This Local Public Agency project goes out for bid on Feb. 22. Hauersperger said project officials are ensuring utilities are relocated correctly. Duke Energy is relocating poles and lines mainly around Community Drive and coming up toward Pine Street.

Hauersperger presented the project’s engineering firm’s request for an additional $5,300 for survey staking. The request was unanimously approved by the board.

Last week, the Seymour Department of Public Works installed a crosswalk on Agrico Lane on the north side of Tipton Street. It connects the recently installed sidewalk on the west side of Agrico Lane to the existing one in front of Applebee’s as part of the community trails along U.S. 50.

The remainder of the sidewalk is scheduled to be completed in the spring and will connect Agrico Lane on the east side of Tipton Street to the Village Center shopping center.

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