All Seasons Garden Club meets for Christmas brunch


By Darlene Groseclose

For The Tribune

All Seasons Garden Club was treated to a special Christmas brunch this month by hostesses Nita Bridges, Linda Kamman and Charlotte Foster.

Sixteen members and one inactive member, Jeanette Chastain, were present for the festivities. It was so good to have Chastain present as she has been unable to attend meetings due to an extended illness.

The party was held at the lovely country home of Bridges with Christmas decorations and lovely music in the background. The extensive menu consisted of sausage tarts, spinach quiche, cinnamon rolls, baklava, cranberry bundt cake, mimosas and coffee.

As always, there were door prizes. The winners were Peggy Broshears, Joan Thompson and Jean Barkman.

After the delicious brunch and lots of catching up, we played several fun games with prizes.

In the first game, we were given hints about which kind of cookie was being referenced. The three members with the most answers were Julie Ballard, Sandy Kovener and Brenda Turner. The next game was Christmas trivia with Turner and Kovener being the winners. The third game was the most fun as we passed the gifts around brought by the members based by the roll of the Christmas dice. Everyone was a winner.

After the games, Rita Wischmeier described a Christmas decoration she is currently working on out of a whiskey barrel. We all are anxious to see the results. Bridges took lots of photos of the group.

As is tradition, every December, the group opens up their hearts and donates to HOPE Medora Goes Pink with this year’s amount being $310. Most of the members have been touched by cancer and appreciate what the organization does.

We will be meeting on Jan. 8 for a fun night of games and snacks. Normally, we do not meet in January and February, but the group decided to try fun nights for those two months. Broshears will host January at her church in Tampico, and Bridges will host the group in February. The regular season will then start in March.

Thinking ahead to the summer, the group is planning a road trip for the July meeting. Those plans will be discussed as the regular season of All Seasons Garden Club begins.

As the members left, they were given a Christmas bowl full of various homemade fudges and chocolate candies.

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