On This Day


100 years ago

Claude Tinder stricken at game

Claude C. Tinder, a prominent businessman of Cortland, is in critical condition at his home as the result of a stroke of apoplexy, which he suffered while witnessing the basketball game between North Vernon and Cortland at North Vernon High School Friday night.

He was stricken about 8 o’clock, just after the curtain raiser had been played, in which game the second team of Cortland won from the North Vernon second team 15 to 16, and it is believed that the attack was largely due to the excitement of the last minutes of the game.

75 years ago

Tucker car will be displayed here

The widely discussed rear engine Tucker automobile, acclaimed by its makers as the first completely new car in 50 years, will be on display Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 16 and 17 at Roberts Sales and Services on East Tipton Street.

50 years ago

14 degrees: New record

Temperatures in Seymour and surrounding area fell to 14 degrees early this morning, setting a new record for Nov. 10.

This morning’s 14-degree reading broke the Nov. 10 record, which was set on this date in 1957 when the thermometer here dropped to 16 degrees.

Mrs. Ruth Everhart, official weather observer at Rockford, said at 7 a.m., the mercury barely had climbed to the 15-degree reading.

25 years ago

Sweep nets 58 suspects

Local law enforcement officials hope a drug bust in Seymour on Thursday night that netted at least 58 individuals will put a dent in local drug trafficking.

“This will definitely have an impact on the drug trade in the area,” Brent Goben, assistant chief with the Seymour Police Department, said on Thursday night.

The 14-month investigation into illegal drug trafficking was initiated by Seymour Detective Carl Lamb, but on Thursday, about 150 officers from various local, state and federal agencies participated in the arrests.

Goben said informants were used to locate potential drug dealers and users and that all of the 70 arrest warrants issued stemmed from controlled buys of illegal drugs, including methamphetamine, cocaine, LSD, hallucinogenic mushrooms and marijuana.

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