On This Day


100 years ago

Red Cross elects county officers

At a meeting of the board of directors of the Jackson County Red Cross Thursday night in the offices of the American Security Company, officers who have been at the head of the organization for the past year were reelected, and plans were made for the annual Red Cross membership drive to be made from Nov. 11 to 29, which dates are set by the national organization.

Officers who were reelected to hold office for the ensuing year are Prof. Thomas A. Mott, president; Miss Margaret McCord, secretary; and J.S. Mills, treasurer.

75 years ago

County records best record of 4-H work in ‘48 achievement week shows

With National 4-H Achievement Week, which is scheduled to end Sunday, near its close, it is revealed that more has been achieved in Jackson County by the young people enrolled in 4-H activity than in previous years.

Records in the office of W.P. Stall, Jackson County agricultural agent and director of the 4-H program, show that during 1948, a total of 496 boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 20 completed the large total of 973 different 4-H projects.

50 years ago

Cross-country balloon moves over local area

Authorities received a number of telephone calls from Jackson County residents Friday who reported spotting a large blue and gold balloon moving through the area.

Manning the huge 65-foot balloon was Malcolm Forbes, 54, president and editor-in-chief of Forbes Magazine, a business publication, who left Coos Bay, Oregon, Oct. 4 on a transcontinental trip.

The balloon, Chateau de Balleroy, moved across Jackson County on a trek southeastward before switching direction northward to head toward Connersville in Fayette County.

25 years ago

Got milk? Drink up and take a free ride

You don’t have a ticket to ride? No problem, Seymour Public Transit says. Just bring along either 10 clean aluminum cans or four clean plastic milk jugs and the drivers of Seymour’s Recycle to Ride bus will get you where you need to go.

“(The bus is) fantastic,” Jean Van Essen, a regular passenger on the bus, said. “I’m very impressed. It’s a far cry from what we had one year ago. It makes me proud to ride it.”

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