Teachers contract ratified at Brownstown


BROWNSTOWN —The Brownstown Central Community School Corp. board of school trustees ratified a one-year contract with the Brownstown Central Classroom Teachers Association during a special meeting Monday evening at the administration office.

The contract calls for all members of the association to receive increases of $6,000 as a combination of salary and increase per stipend.

The beginning teacher’s salary increased from $44,000 to $48,000, and the maximum salary will increase from $77,500 to $80,500. The deal also includes an increase of $200 for a single health insurance plan and $800 for a family health insurance plan; the addition of an e-gaming coach at Brownstown Central High School; and the addition of an assistant archery coach.

In an unrelated matter, trustees approved hiring Eric Robbins for a maintenance position and Ariel Maxie as an instructional aide at the elementary school.

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