Budget public hearing to kick off town council meeting


The Crothersville Town Council will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the town hall, 111 E. Howard St., Crothersville

The meeting will start with a public hearing on the town’s 2024 budget.

Then the council will consider approval of spending requests for the parks, present a community service award, hear about the Servant’s Heart nonprofit organization, consider approval of the first reading of the 2024 budget adoption and hear reports from FPBH Inc. and Administrative Resources association.

The agenda also includes PERF 1977 Fund, Aim Medical Trust municipal health care coverage, an amendment to a resolution regarding internal control standards and establishing a spending threshold, the 2024 payroll ordinance, consideration of approval of cyber insurance and an update on property at 301 E. Main St.

The meeting is open to the public and press and may be viewed live online at facebook.com/townofcrothersville.

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