Friends and Neighbors club meets


By Helen Lutes

For The Tribune

Eight members of the Friends and Neighbors Home Extension Club met June 27 at Cornerstone Community Church in Seymour.

President Judy Niccum opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and the club creed. The secretary and treasurer reports were presented and approved.

Charlotte Lovegrove had an interesting lesson titled “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” She distributed a sheet with the words of the song in which she underlined certain phrases and related them to Revelations 14:14-20. She then led the group in singing the song “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.”

Lovegrove was commended for leading a song, having the devotions and giving a lesson all rolled into one.

Niccum reposted on the council meeting, listing the 2023-24 county officers as follows: President Misty Stuckwisch, Vice President Mandy Otte, Secretary Karen Hendrix and Treasurer Skye Zakrzewski. She also mentioned 46,293 hearts had been made in the state and given out.

Helen Lutes gave a lesson titled “Oldie But a Goodie.” She asked the group if they remembered a dish or a recipe from their mother or grandmother. A lively discussion followed with everyone sharing their memories. Lutes distributed a sheet with a few old recipes from previous members and her own mother.

Vera Robbins, leadership development, gave several information facts about the county and state.

On a hot July 25, the club met at Dairy Queen in Brownstown.

Six members and two husbands answered roll call with the first thing you visit at the Jackson County Fair. After a few serious responses, it became apparent food was actually the most important.

Niccum called for the secretary’s report, which was presented and approved. She noted there wasn’t a treasurer’s report due to Donna Abner’s illness.

Under old business, Niccum said she had given cards with a monetary gift to Mary Jo Morris in memory of her husband, Jack, and to the club’s fair queen candidate, Brooke Schafstall. Members took up donations to help reimburse Niccum.

Robbins, Ruth Bateman and Niccum submitted entries to the Family Arts Building at the fair. Robbins and Niccum received red and white ribbons, respectfully.

Bateman read an old recipe:

Happiness Cake

Mix together:

1 cup of good thoughts

1 cup of kind deeds

1 cup of consideration for others

2 cups of sacrifice for others

3 cups of forgiveness

2 cups of well-beaten faults

Add: Tears of joy, sorrow and sympathy for others

Flavor: With little gifts of love and kindly service

Fold: In 4 cups of prayer and faith to lighten all other ingredients and raise the texture to great heights of character and Christian living.

After pouring all of this into daily life, bake well with the heat of human kindness.

Serve: This with a smile any time, anywhere and it will satisfy the hunger of starved souls.

From: The Kitchens of Love

Debbie Shubert informed the group that she has a lot of materials she would like to share with some 4-H’ers for projects. She solicited the club’s help in locating some recipients.

The next meeting will be Aug. 23 at Cornerstone Community Church with Bateman serving as hostess. Jan Caplinger volunteered to present a lesson.

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