USDA to study soybean production practices


A sample of soybean growers across Indiana will soon be contacted by the Great Lakes Region of the U.S. Department National Agricultural Statistics Service to participate in a survey focusing on nutrient and fertilizer use, pesticide applications and pest management practices.

Conducted annually in the fall, Phase II of the Agricultural Resource Management Survey is the USDA’s primary source of information on production practices for select field crops. This year’s survey focuses on soybean production practices.

Interviews with approximately 200 soybean producers in Indiana will be conducted. They will be asked to provide information on their fertilizer, nutrient and pesticide applications.

“Participation in these surveys is vital to all agricultural industry stakeholders,” said Nathanial Warenski, Indiana’s state statistician.

The results of the program are designed to help agricultural leaders and decision-makers better understand how producers cope with risk, adapt to policy changes and make decisions about chemical use, new technologies and other aspects of farming.

The importance of this survey cannot be understated as almost every federal farm program and policy is based on data from the study, Warenski said.

The confidentiality of those who respond is protected by law.

For information, call 800-453-7501 or visit

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