10-year Jackson County 4-H members


The 29 10-year Jackson County 4-H members recently responded to a series of questions.

Write a short paragraph about the important life skills you learned in your participation in the Jackson County 4-H program.

What is the greatest contribution 4-H has made in your life?

Who has been the most influential in your 4-H experience? In what way?

Trevor Alberring

4-H challenged me to be a better person and leader. Confidence, hard work, dedication and teamwork are just a few of the qualities I have gained from 4-H. I have always enjoyed taking projects to the fair each year. I learned about the farming industry and tractors in tractor club. In Junior Leaders, I enjoyed making new friends, working together and learning about the community. Showing livestock is a challenging commitment that required time management, responsibility, patience and good showmanship. It wasn’t always easy, but it was always worth it.

4-H has brought new friendships, connections, experiences and memories that will always be important to me throughout my life. The best week is fair week. I have great memories of racing to the 4-H building to check on how my projects did, showing my animals, working as a Junior Leader and spending time with friends and family.

My outstanding experience in 4-H is because I have great people in my life who believe in me. My parents always support me. My dad was in the tractor club, so he helped me get into that. My mom gave me many opinions and helped me with my posters and projects. Dave Goecker encouraged me to try the livestock project and take a pig my first year in 4-H. I had awesome 4-H leaders who supported, encouraged and believed in me.

Andrew Bell

My participation in 4-H has taught me many life skills. The skill that has been most developed is leadership. That skill has carried over into my other sports and activities I’ve been a part of. It will definitely be a benefit in college and in life.

4-H has impacted my life. I began as a Mini 4-H’er, so it has been a part of my life for about as long as I can remember. I selected projects that interested me or would help me on the farm. Electricity has been the most exciting, challenging and useful project, for sure.

Over the past 10-plus years that I’ve been in 4-H, many people have helped me as I worked on new projects and faced new challenges or experiences. The most influential to this experience is my parents. They not only took me where I needed to go but guided and encouraged me through all of the learning experiences.

Brocker Bottorff

4-H has taught me so many different things. The three main things are hard work, dedication and sportsmanship. When doing 4-H, these three things all play a very important role in making you a good 4-H member.

The greatest contribution in 4-H is the memories it has left behind. Fair week is something my family and I look forward to all year because of the memories that are made with family and friends. The Jackson County Fair left me with lots of unforgettable experiences and memories.

The most influential people in my 4-H experience have been my parents and sisters. They were always there for me when I needed help and have always been my biggest supporters.

Kaleb Brown

4-H has taught me responsibility and how to properly take care of animals. It has also taught me that you must work hard to meet deadlines and earn what you have. It has also taught me how to be respectful to other people.

4-H has taught me that responsibility comes in many different ways, and that consists of always making it to meetings on time and taking care of animals properly.

The most influential person in my 4-H experience would be my parents, Bob and Kathy Brown, and my cousin, Kyle Tormoehlen. They have shown how to take care of pigs every year that I have done it.

Ashley Clemente

An important life skill the Jackson County 4-H program has taught me is to contribute to my community. Through 4-H, I have also gained more confidence in speaking my first language, which is Spanish.

4-H has helped me create most of my stronger and long-lasting friendships. 4-H has also granted me a scholarship, which will help me fund my academic career.

The most influential person throughout my 4-H experience has been Iveth Vasquez. All of these years, she has pushed me to be the best version of myself. She has helped me and supported me with all of my projects, workshops and community service. I wouldn’t be where I am at without her.

Kate Connell

I learn best by doing, and 4-H has given me the opportunity to practice many life skills. Leadership, time management, responsibility and accountability are all skills that I have had to apply in my 4-H projects. These projects are my responsibility, so I have had to take on the leadership role and manage the projects from start to finish. My projects take time — time to complete activities, to work with different patterns, to work with animals and to participate in shows. I’ve learned to be responsible, not only for the end result of my projects but for the practice and preparation for the “big event,” whether that be a fashion revue or the swine show.

4-H has provided me with some of the best memories and experiences of my life. It has allowed me to make friends and take part in opportunities to better my community. The life skills I have learned while in 4-H will provide me with the background and experience necessary to be successful in college and in my career. I know the benefits of hard work and dedication and have learned to adapt and solve problems as they arise. I’ve learned to meet project requirements and the expectations of judges and how to work with my fellow 4-H members. 4-H has given me the opportunity to learn and test skills that I will continue to use in the future.

The biggest influence in my 4-H experience has been my mom. She has always been there to encourage and help me with my projects and has let me do things my way, even when I know she wanted me to try a different method. She has allowed me to try, to fail and to grow, and I would not have experienced the success I have had without her help.

Marlo Cornn

Being involved in the Jackson County 4-H program has taught me the skills of hard work, dedication and time management. It has also taught me the importance of having a character of service and selflessness.

4-H has helped enrich my passions and interests that not only help me but others, as well. It has shown me the importance of dedicating your time to your passions and hobbies, even in the busiest times of life.

My mom, who is my current 4-H leader, has always encouraged me to stay involved as well as stay on top of things within the program. She has pushed me to work my hardest and try my best in every project or activity.

Kenzie Feller

The Jackson County 4-H program has taught me many important life skills throughout the past 10 years. Some of the most valuable skills acquired include responsibility, communication, organization and recordkeeping skills. These skills will continue to be valuable throughout life.

4-H has given me the opportunity to become closer to my community. 4-H has also given me memories that will last a lifetime.

My parents have been the most influential people throughout my 4-H experience. No matter which projects I decide to do each year, my parents have always been right there helping me do my very best.

Jackson Hartley

I have learned the incredible amount of work it takes to raise cattle, all the way from the bottle to butcher.

The greatest contribution 4-H has made to my life is teaching me the much-needed skills of teamwork and determination.

Bruce Stahl has been the most influential person in my 4-H experience. He talked me into showing and raising cattle, and it has been a great experience, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Evin Hoevener

By participating in the Jackson County 4-H program, I have learned many life skills. By showing cattle for 10 years, I have learned skills, such as responsibility, time management and animal welfare. You always have to put your animals and their needs first in this industry, and that has taught me a lot in life.

The greatest contribution 4-H has made in my life has been through leadership and opportunities. I participated in Junior Leaders, and I was president of my local 4-H club. This allowed me to learn skills that I can take with me outside of 4-H and taught me how to lead a team.

I have had many people influence my 4-H experience. My 4-H leaders and parents have helped me with anything, from learning the 4-H creed to completing projects. My sister has pushed me out of my comfort zone and encouraged me to try new things throughout my time in 4-H, and she is always there to help me when I need it. I wouldn’t have the same experiences without all of these people.

Jacob Jones

The most important thing I have learned in 4-H is patience. There is a lot involved when participating in a 4-H project. I have shown goats, and they are a lot of work. They are so stubborn, and some days, you just want to give up. Some days, they will walk for you. Some days, they won’t. You have to be patient and just take a deep breath.

Perseverance is what 4-H has contributed to me the most. The animals depend solely on us. With daily training and care, no matter the weather or the temperature is, you must go tend to your duties no matter what. I have also learned perseverance in the cast of setbacks and problems. The care of a sick and weak very prized animal that you then get to walk through the ring just a few months later and that animal is healthy and well. The goat didn’t place well in judging, but to me, I had won. “I won’t give up until goats can sing and walruses fly.”

Johnathan Lockwood Huie

I cannot just narrow this down to one person. As they say, it takes a community to raise a child. There were so many people: The folks in the 4-H office that help behind the scenes, 4-H leaders throughout the years. Such amazing people that have given so much of their time and themselves to help and teach young folks like me to achieve goals.

My parents, who have helped me in so many ways, from advice, rides to meetings in the early years, hard truths when necessary and the willingness to help me hollow my passion. To my goat breeder, who was always there for me when I had questions, always willing to help me and show me the way. To everyone involved in the 4-H community, thank you.

Carly Kaiser

4-H projects require commitment and dedication. I learned how to manage my time in order to complete my projects and still maintain my other activities outside of 4-H. This is a life skill that I will utilize in all aspects of my life.

The greatest contribution 4-H has made to my life would be the relationships I have made over the years. I had many opportunities to meet a lot of new people that have impacted my life in a positive way. I am thankful 4-H allowed me to form these connections.

The most influential person throughout my 4-H experience would be my entire family. Everyone from my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins have supported me. Their dedication and involvement with the Jackson County Fair made me want to be involved also.

Kensley Koester

Participation in 4-H is something I would highly recommend to anyone to take part in. 4-H has shaped me into a strong leader, adaptable to change and to face obstacles head-on. 4-H will put you in challenging and uncomfortable positions, but you will always come out on top while being the best version of yourself.

4-H has given me laughs, cries, tears of joy, screams, boot stompings and memories that will last me a lifetime. 4-H has given me an outlet when things get tough and something to always turn to. 4-H is a way for me to stay connected to my dad and is a tradition I hope to pass down to future generations.

Without my dad, my family would never have considered being in 4-H. After his passing, 4-H became more of a challenge than a good time. I would like to give a big shoutout to Ron, Lori, Dustin, Cody and Jenci Allman for their endless support. They have helped my family pursue our love of 4-H with their willingness to help my family in need. I will forever be grateful for my second family, for their dedication and love through the years.

Leah Pottschmidt

The most important skills I learned during 4-H were communication, always being patient and taking charge in a stressful/chaotic situation.

The community, everyone I have met in the community have been very nice to me and gave me some great friends.

My dad, he never gave up on me when I wanted to stop showing. My dad always kept me going, and he taught me everything I know now.

Everything is going to be hard before it becomes easy. Never give up in those hard times because the outcome will be the best feeling or sight you will experience.

Joshua Rennekamp

I have learned many important lessons participating in 4-H, but the most important one would be life skills. Learning basic as well as more advanced life skills will help me in my future with work, family and college.

The greatest contribution 4-H has made to me would be helping me to make connections to others I wouldn’t have gotten outside of 4-H as well as getting out of my comfort zone.

My parents have been the most influential to me during all my years in 4-H. They pushed me to challenge myself by helping me be the best I can be and setting a high standard to achieve.

Cooper Robinson

The most important life skills I’ve learned in 4-H include responsibility and planning.

4-H has contributed to my hard work ethic and to do well in anything you have to work hard for it.

My parents and my Aunt Rhonda have been the most influential. My parents helped me get all of the necessities needed for my animals and were always there to support me. My Aunt Rhonda supported me and showed me how to walk my pigs in the show ring.

Brooke Schafstall

The most important life skills I’ve learned are how to sew and be a leader. I have been sewing since I was in Mini-4-H. Every summer, my cousin and I spend our time at our grandma’s house working on our projects. I am able to learn more each summer as well as be a leader for my cousin.

The greatest contribution 4-H has made to my life is that it provided a place for my creative and competitive self to grow up.

The most influential person in my 4-H experience is my grandma, Cathy Schafstall, aka Neenah. She taught me how to sew. During the countless hours at her house every summer working on my project, she has taught me many more life lessons I can carry with me down the road.

Kiley Sons

4-H has taught me how to work with others and to not be afraid to ask for help. And that no matter what, there is always someone there to help.

4-H has taught me hard work, leadership skills and communication that will help me in my future career.

The most influential person has definitely been my mom. She has taught me so much and is always there for me no matter what.

Chandler Stahl

4-H has taught me many things, like time management and the value of hard work. I have always worked hard on my projects, whether it is ones in the building or my animal projects in the barn. Through my experience in 4-H, I have also learned the importance of being both a humble winner and gracious loser. Sometimes, you win, sometimes, you feel like you should have won, but learning to celebrate victories and accept defeat is a lesson that will be important throughout life.

4-H has been a fun experience over the years. I have made many friends through 4-H and have had fun at the fair. I will always remember the experiences we have had as a family showing animals at the county and state fairs, and I know that it is something our family will continue with future generations.

Over the years, my older brothers, Nick and Skyler, have been the most influential people in my 4-H experience. There is a saying, “Were you born in a barn?” I wasn’t, but I was practically raised there. We had a dairy farm, and Nick and Skyler showed dairy cattle and other animals in 4-H. I was always in the barn with them and my parents, helping, learning, developing a love for cattle myself. They now help me with my dairy and dairy beef animals each year. It is a family affair and something that we all enjoy doing together.

Caitlin Thomasma

The most important life skills that I have learned from 4-H are time management skills, healthy lifestyle choices, planning, communication and social skills.

The greatest contribution 4-H has made to my life is making good friends, helped me become an adult, taught me life skills and also helped me learn more about the world.

The most influential person in my 4-H experience would be my mom. She always makes sure I have my stuff for my projects and helps me with my projects.

Camryn Thompson

During my 10 years of 4-H, the most important life skills I have learned are hard work and time management. With showing cattle and sheep, I quickly learned how to manage my time to work with my animals. 4-H has taught me to work hard when working on projects, cleaning out pens and doing work in the community.

The greatest contribution 4-H has made to my life is teaching me life skills. Because of 4-H, I know how to be responsible, be a leader and be a critical thinker. It has made me a more confident, independent and hardworking person.

My dad has been the most influential in my 4-H experience. He has continually shown what it means to be selfless and work hard. He is hands down one of the hardest-working people I know. Because of him, I see what it means to put others before you and to work towards your goals. Thank you, Dad.

Caroline Thompson

During my time in 4-H, I showed sheep as one of my projects. During that time, it was very important that I learned time management, patience and responsibility.

The greatest contribution 4-H has made to my life is the friends it has allowed me to make. I have been able to meet so many new people or become better friends with some of the people I already knew.

The people who have been most influential during my time in 4-H are my parents. They put me in Mini 4-H when I was little, and when the time came for me to get my first lamb, they taught me how to care for and look after it. Even now when I need help with anything, they are there to lead me in the right direction.

Jillian Tormoehlen

Work ethic, responsibility and accountability are the most important life skills I have learned while in 4-H. My leaders and parents have taught these skills through raising livestock. I appreciate the life skills that I have learned as it will help me in the future to reach my goals.

It has given me opportunities to grow my passion in the agricultural industry. 4-H has influenced my career choice.

My parents, Michael and Autumn, my grandparents, Joe and Deb Hutchers, and my other grandparents, Marle and Dana Miller, not to mention the countless people who have supported me throughout my 10 years in 4-H. I’m blessed to have each and every one of them in my life.

Tucker Tormoehlen

4-H has taught me the following life skills: Responsibility, stewardship, reliability and accountability.

Making new friends and knowing the act of being responsible are the greatest contributions 4-H has made to my life.

The most influential people in my 4-H experience are my fellow showmen in the arena. Great friends are made in the arena.

Mackenzie Waskom

A very important life skill I’ve learned in 4-H is communication. This includes interview skills and confidence in public speaking. One way my interview skills have been improved is through the multiple interviews I have had with project judging. When first beginning in 4-H, having an interview seemed intimidating. Through the kind advice from early judges and years of practice, I have learned how to conduct myself during an interview. I have also learned how to properly prepare for questions that may be asked as well as how to quickly craft an answer to any unforeseen question. The skills I’ve learned to better my communication will last a lifetime.

4-H has taught me through the years to never settle for less than my best and to keep working toward goals I have set, even when those goals seem unreachable. It has taught me to not be afraid to try new things or take a chance. All of these life lessons in setting those goals will help me in my next chapter of life, college.

My mom has most definitely been the most influential person in my 4-H experience. She has always been there pushing me through and helping me with projects, making sure I’ve done them correctly and to her acceptance. Mom is just as excited to see my 4-H project results as I am, celebrating my accomplishments and learning how to make things better.

Emma Wichman

Through participating in 4-H, I have learned and improved upon my communication skills, my time management skills and my leadership skills. I can continue to implement these skills in my everyday life.

4-H has helped me see the importance of leadership and group work. Both of these concepts are involved in the workforce, so knowing and using these talents help put me ahead of the game.

My art teacher, Kay Fox, has been the most influential in my 4-H experience because she has helped me advance on my skills for my 4-H projects.

Trevor Wiesehan

Through my experience with the Jackson County 4-H program, I have gained time management and decision-making skills. These life skills will help me have a successful future.

4-H has allowed me to network with industry professionals and make new friends through my involvement in Junior Leaders, tractor club and the Cortland Cattails 4-H Club.

My parents have been most influential in my 4-H experience. They have always encouraged me to try new things and have instilled in me the value of participating in 4-H.

Wyatt Wischmeier

The most important life skills that I have learned from my time in 4-H are how to be a great leader, lead by example and be a meticulous and detail-oriented person. I have learned this and much more through the help of my 4-H club and Junior Leaders.

4-H has made many great contributions to my life, the most important being confidence — the confidence not only to stand up for myself but to be outgoing and stand out and try things I might not have before. It has given me the confidence that I can do anything I set my mind to and become anything I set my heart on — the confidence that I hope to strike into others so that they can, too, and be anything they desire.

There have been several important and influential people during my 4-H experience. From my dad pushing me from a young age to get involved and step outside my comfort zone and step into roles I haven’t before. My 4-H leaders, Sally, Carol and Debbie. But the person who has made the biggest impact on my 4-H experience has been Heather VonDielingen. Heather has always pushed me to be the best I can and take charge and strive to be the best I can in my time in Junior Leaders.

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