Friends and Neighbors club meets twice in recent months


The Friends and Neighbors Home Extension Club met June 28 at the home of Ruth Bateman with Jan Caplinger co-hosting.

The president opened the meeting with the pledges, and 13 members responded to the roll call.

The secretary and treasurer’s reports were presented and approved.

In her devotional, Bateman emphasized that we are to be good friends and walk with others.

Ruby Niccum reported on items covered at the last council meeting and reminded everyone of the Aug. 7 district meeting in Clark County, and that Jackson County is hosting the March 21, 2023, spring district meeting.

Rhonda Kidwell, continuing education leader, has a list of upcoming activities at the library and encouraged everyone to participate.

Vera Robbins gave several tips on how to save money at the gas pumps.

Charlotte Lovegrove had the group trying to guess the names of various towns in Jackson County.

Helen Lutes had a follow-up discussion on the program for making new friends and ways to be a good friend to others.

The next meeting was held July 26 at Dairy Queen in Brownstown and then on to the Jackson County Fair.

Five members and one guest met at the fairgrounds, where they answered roll call by telling what they enjoyed the most at the fair.

Niccum opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and the club creed. The secretary and the treasurer’s reports were given.

It was noted that the club sponsored Morgan Branaman in the fair queen pageant.

Lovegrove gave plans for the meeting Aug. 10 at The Little Lavender Place. They would all meet for lunch at Cortland Diner and then head to the lavender business, where Tina Hoene would serve tea, coffee and shortcakes.

Lovegrove reported she is making a tri-fold posterboard to commemorate the club’s 50-year anniversary. She will use name tags and info from the group’s 50 years.

The meeting adjourned for lunch and a tour of the fair.

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