Fundraiser basketball game raises $1,500 for Medora athletic department


When Rayetta Franklin finished counting the money at Medora High School on June 18, she got goosebumps.

They had just wrapped up putting on a fundraiser basketball game featuring Medora graduates from 1966 to 1981. Anyone was welcome to attend the game, and admission was donations only.

Franklin was hoping to achieve $1,200, but when she counted it all up at the end of the day, it was $1,500 that will go toward the Medora athletic department. Franklin estimated about 100 people were in attendance to watch, as well.

“Everyone was really happy to do it,” Franklin said. “It was an excitement when we counted the money and had $1,500. I got goosebumps because it was just so awesome. I was hoping for $1,200, but we got $1,500, so we were very, very happy.”

Franklin, a 1971 graduate from Medora, helped put this event together when Bobby Smith, another 1971 graduate who played on the Hornets’ basketball squad, thought it would be fun to play one more game in the Hornets Nest.

There were enough players to field two full teams, plus substitutes on each side. One team donned red Medora shirts, while the other team wore black.

They played four quarters, eight minutes each, and the black team came out on top 29-19.

“It was so much fun to watch,” Franklin said. “They were all laughing. No one got hurt. It was amazing.”

Smith, who came from Hawaii for the game, presented trophies to the all of the players who participated in the game.

Afterward, Smith and Franklin also attended the Class of 1971’s 51st anniversary at the home of Sharon and Bob Nolan, which Franklin also said was a great time.

Because of the success of this fundraiser game and being able to raise money toward the athletic department, Franklin said they want to try to do it again next year. It would likely be in June again, and everyone who participated June 18 was interested in doing it again.

“It’s something we want to do again next year,” Franklin said. “Everyone had so much fun. Everyone that played this year wanted to play again next year.”

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