Extension homemakers club meets at Borchers church


By Karen Hendrix | For The Tribune

The Kum Join Us Extension Homemakers Club hosted by Ruta May met June 7 at St. Paul Lutheran Church Borchers.

Our meeting opened with the club creed and our Pledge of Allegiance. The eight members in attendance told us their about favorite ice cream or topping flavor in response to roll call.

Club members were excited to learn Alexus “Lexi” Morris will be our club’s Jackson County Fair queen contestant this year. Everyone present voted in favor of purchasing her a gift card to assist with her expenses.

Members were encouraged to submit projects completed this year to be displayed in the family arts building at our county fair in July. Olga Otte will be submitting some of her beautiful photos again.

Carol Mansfield presented our monthly lesson about National Doughnut Day. We learned the first doughnuts were made by a teenage galley boy who later became a Maine mariner known as Capt. Hansen Gregory. He didn’t like the rawness of the center of the mass of dough after they were fried and decided to cut the middle out, thus a round circle of dough with the round center hole became what’s known today as a doughnut and enjoyed by more than 76% of all Americans. An unbelievable 10 million donuts are consumed annually in the United States alone.

Ruta May gave the devotions on “Being Good Neighbors.”

She told the story a gentleman used to walk every day to watch the sunrise and found a bench along his path to sit and enjoy the view. He did this every day until he started noticing the same people every day walking past him.

They began noticing him also, and occasionally, a few would sit with him just to watch but others began carrying on conversations. The gentleman became known as “The Sunshine Mayor,” and his bench became his office.

We all just need to take time to look around us. There may be someone who needs to talk and just needs a good listener or maybe just someone to sit with to enjoy the view and say nothing. Whatever the reason, be sure to look up and take notice of what’s around you.

May also shared her husband’s favorite homemade cookies along with fruit and an unexpectedly delicious pickle wrapped in corned beef and cream cheese treat. Aromatic sachets in three wonderful scents were given as gifts.

A roll of toilet paper was passed to each member, and they were asked to take as little or as much as they wanted. Some were quite frugal with what they took and others not quite. Members were asked to tell the group something none of us knew about them for each square of toilet paper they tore off. Surprisingly, there was quite a bit to learn about this group of ladies from the many squares of toilet paper.

On June 9, the club ventured to Zaharakos in Columbus for our first outing of the year. We were accompanied on our trip with Harper Rust, Karen Brigdon and her two children, Kayla and Trent. The menu was simple but quite delicious. This is definitely on my list of places to visit again.

The decor in this restaurant was incredible. Each wall was decorated with antique soda fountains, vintage lamps and large ornate music boxes resembling old-fashioned jukeboxes. It was quite beautiful and brought back many fond memories of walking to the Seymour Library as a child and running into Baldwin’s Drug Store on the way home for a nickel cone. It was such a delight to sit at the counter at Baldwin’s and twirl on the seats while we waited for our treat.

After lunch, we visited Simply Pottery, and each member picked an item to paint. This was somewhat tedious because of all of the coats of paint and drying needed, but it was so much fun for everyone. It was interesting to see what everyone chose to paint.

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