Loyal Devoir Society meets at Central Christian Church


The Loyal Devoir Society of Central Christian Church met April 26 with President Janice Brock calling the meeting to order.

There were 12 members present.

Helen Horton gave devotions and followed with prayer.

There was no treasurer’s report. Judy McDonald read the minutes of the last meeting.

Grace Low volunteered to be the cards and flowers person.

Under old business, Brock announced lunches for the teachers will be delivered to the middle school and the sixth grade center May 11. She asked everyone present to bring two dozen cookies to the church May 8.

There will be no bake sale.

Brock thanked everyone who helped with the funeral dinner.

Paula Stafford took pictures of the group and also of the hostess committee for the scrapbook.

The next meeting will be the group’s birthday party at 7 p.m. May 24. Group 1 will be hostess with Barb Bentley as leader.

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