Registration open for Global Leadership Summit


The Global Leadership Summit will be Aug. 4 and 5 at The Point, 311 Myers St., Seymour.

Now in its 27th year, the summit is the largest leadership event in the world, according to a news release from the Seymour church. With a unique blend of more than 15 world-class faculty, this event is an opportunity for companies and individuals to get refreshed, encouraged and equipped as leaders.

Businesses and nonprofits alike have used this event as a staff retreat or a team-building experience to help them get laser focused on their vision while being equipped and encouraged for the journey ahead.

For information about the event and to register, visit and choose The Point as the host site. The individual rate is $179 and for groups of six or more. Summit Partner rates ($139 by Thursday and $159 before June 15) are available by calling 812-522-2060 or emailing [email protected].

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