Ladies Aid 3 meets at Immanuel


Ladies Aid 3 of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Seymour recently met with 17 members present.

President Sandee Helwig opened the meeting with members singing the hymn “I am Trusting Thee Lord Jesus” and reciting Psalm 46.

Vicar Nick Wagenknecht was guest for the evening, which featured an informal question-and-answer session. He and his wife will be returning to the seminary in July to finish his last year of studies before his ordination into the ministry.

Thanks were given to all committee members and officers for their service in 2021. Officers for 2022 were announced.

The annual luncheon and auction to honor staff members has been rescheduled for May 24. The next regular meeting will be April 19.

Hostesses for the evening were Helwig and Marlis Kilgas using a St. Patrick’s Day theme.

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