Backpacking basics program set for March 29


Teena Ligman and Summer McDuffee will talk about basic equipment needed to backpack, hiking and getting outdoors during a free program at 6 p.m. March 29 at Otis Park in Bedford.

Both Lawrence County women, who have been backpacking for several years, will offer tips on how to get started and how to train for a backpacking trip. They will discuss a variety of gear and suggest what you might want to try. They also will suggest exercises to strengthen muscles to avoid injuries.

Ligman and McDuffee have hiked many trails in southern Indiana and can suggest hiking and backpacking trails to try both locally and further afield.

The one-hour educational program will be presented in the historic Otis Park Bath House. The shelter house, 607 Tunnelton Road, Bedford, is enclosed. The program is part of the Bedford Park Outdoor Series. RSVP by March 25 at 812-275-5692 so enough handouts and chairs can be ready.

On April 26, the series will feature a program on hoop houses led by Whitney Baldwin, Hannah Martin and Kathy Bodkin. This program will be at the Hoop House at the Community Garden, 416 H St., Bedford.

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