What is the one thing you lack?


We are focusing on a few “one-thing” questions that will help us get tuned in on what God wants for us in this new year.

There is great value in being able to focus on God’s intention for our lives rather than our own good intentions.

What is the one thing God desires for you in 2022? What is he calling you to do or be? What change needs to take place in order to get you to be in a better place?

Last week, I asked you to consider this simple question: What one thing do you desire from God this year?

Today, I want to invite you to think about this … When it comes to your relationship with God, what is the one thing you lack? What is the one thing that might be missing?

In Mark, Chapter 10, there is an interesting story of a rich guy who encountered Jesus. He said, “Jesus, what do I need to do to inherit eternal life?”

Jesus said, “Well, you need to obey the commands.” The guy was very proud to say, “I’ve done that.” Then Jesus looked past his outward obedience, and he looked straight into this man’s heart.

Jesus saw a problem that this guy didn’t even know existed. Jesus then said something to this young man that was difficult to say. There is no record of him saying it to anyone else. Jesus looked at this man and lovingly said, “One thing you lack. Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” (Mark 10:21b)

Could it be there has been one thing standing in the way of you completely following Jesus? If so, your one prayer might be to ask God to reveal it to you. For this one guy in Mark 10, the issue was wealth. Apparently, his security was found in material things. That is what was keeping him from going all in with Jesus.

The Bible says “The man’s face fell. He went away sad because he had great wealth.” (Mark 10:22) Jesus’ question revealed the one thing this man lacked. Unfortunately, he was unwilling to do the one thing that would have made all of the difference in his life, benefiting him spiritually right then and for all eternity.

Perhaps God has already shown you the one thing that is lacking in your life, but you still haven’t done anything about it. You know your one thing. Maybe he has been speaking to you about it for years. Are you ready to do something about it? If you will be obedient to the one thing that God shows, I believe he will bless that decision. God always blesses our obedience.

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