Column: Jesus’ resurrection confirms God’s existence

As we consider the evidence for God’s existence, I believe Jesus Christ is the greatest confirmation of God’s existence of all.

To prove he was divine, Jesus did what people can’t do. He performed many miracles.

He walked on water. He calmed the sea. He healed people. He raised the dead. People everywhere followed Jesus because he constantly met their needs, often as the result of the miracles he performed.

Jesus said, “Just believe that I am in the father and the father is in me. Or at least believe because of the work you have seen me do.” (John 14:11) Jesus revealed the depth and the magnitude of God’s love for sinners like you and me when he willingly chose to receive the punishment for our sin.

Jesus was tortured and beaten with a whip. A “crown” of thorns was placed on his head. Then they nailed him to a cross. Given the miracles he performed, I think it is fair to say those nails weren’t what kept him on the cross.

The thing that kept him on the cross was the love he has for people like you and me. Through his death on the cross, Jesus made it possible for our broken relationship with our heavenly father to be restored.

The most conclusive evidence of God’s existence through Jesus is the fact that Jesus predicted and pulled off his own resurrection from the dead. Jesus said that three days after his burial, he would come back to life.

On the third day after his crucifixion, the stone was rolled away from his tomb. The well-trained Roman guard saw a blinding light and an angel. The tomb was empty, except for the burial clothes that had been wrapped around Jesus’ body.

Over the years, legal, medical, historical and logical analysis has been applied to Jesus’ resurrection, and the only feasible conclusion is that Jesus rose from the dead. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is an undeniable historic fact.

People for centuries have tried to deny it, but there is too much evidence to the contrary. The resurrection validates everything Jesus had said and done, and it provides further confirmation for the existence of God.

Because of the evidence we have reviewed these past few weeks, I have no hesitation in asking you to place your faith in an invisible God. I know that is a big step. The evidence demands a verdict. What will you decide?

Steve Greene is the lead pastor of The Point in Seymour. Read his blog at or email him at [email protected]. Send comments to [email protected].

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