Access Indiana website continues to grow


Access Indiana continues to grow in users and services.

This past week, the single sign-on service crossed 700,000 users shortly after adding its 41st service. The service is growing quickly, adding more than 200,000 users in the past 66 days.

The newest service available is the Department of Labor’s new Youth Employment System, a system for Hoosier employers to comply with a new youth employment law that goes into effect July 1. The new requirement will eliminate the need for work permits in Indiana for minor employees and shift the responsibility of tracking and reporting youth employment from schools to employers.

With an Access Indiana account, users can use the same username and password to securely work with state government. More services are continually being added with the goal of needing only one user identity to interact online with the state.

Users have access to many services on their Access Indiana dashboard, including the Indiana Vaccination Portal, the Job Seeker Portal, obtaining hunting and fishing licenses and renewing professional licenses, including those for nurses and doctors.

Users also can update all of their account information, like email and phone number, by signing in at

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