Brownstown school staff receiving stipends at end of school year



Considering how challenging the 2020-21 school year has been, Brownstown Central Community School Corp. officials are glad to have the opportunity to reward staff members for their efforts.

During a meeting Tuesday night at the administration office, the board of school trustees unanimously approved a memorandum of understanding and a resolution to provide stipends to full- and part-time staff members who performed extra duties during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A bonus is that the money won’t come out of the corporation’s budget. It will come from ESSER II, which was the second COVID-related relief funding stream authorized via the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act.

Districts receive the emergency relief funds to address the impact COVID-19 has had and continues to have on elementary and secondary schools that are providing educational services.

Brownstown Assistant Superintendent Jade Peters said each teacher who has documented additional time and effort on pandemic-related student remediation and instructional initiatives, such as dual in-person and virtual teaching, during the school year will receive a $1,700 stipend. Administrators will receive that amount, too.

Also, full-time classified staff members on a 260-day contract will receive a $1,000 stipend, while full-time staff on a 180-day contract will get $750, and all part-time staff will get $500.

The stipends will be payable with the last regular payroll of the 2021 contract year. In total, Peters said that covers about 200 employees.

“Our staff has had a very challenging year, and we are very thankful for everything they’ve done,” he said. “When this money came available, we wanted to find a way to thank them. This a way to do that. That doesn’t hit our education fund, our operations fund. It’s a great thing to do for our staff to say thanks.”

As of Tuesday’s meeting, Superintendent Tim Taylor said the corporation had zero positive COVID-19 diagnoses. Only one was out as a close contact, and one was out with symptoms.

“In November, we had 146 out at one time, so kudos to our students, our staff, our cleaning staff and everybody,” Taylor said. “Everything we’ve been through this year, you all have done a great job.”

At every board meeting this school year, someone has praised the students and staff for their efforts in keeping the schools open.

“They went above and beyond,” Taylor said. “We’ve been open the entire time. Our elementary didn’t miss a day. The middle school and high school went hybrid back in October. Our people have done a great, great job — our teachers, our staff, our students.”

Among those receiving praise throughout the year is Joyce McKinney, the corporation’s nursing supervisor/school nurse, whose round-the-clock efforts to keep the corporation well led to her being named the 2020-21 Indiana School Nurse of the Year by the Indiana Association of School Nurses. During Tuesday’s meeting, she was recognized for that honor and also was presented a plaque for her retirement.


Taylor also praised Will Hubbard, director of technology, for his work to provide the virtual option to students and coordinating livestreaming throughout the year for school board meetings and the upcoming graduation and awards program.

“I really appreciate everything that Mr. Hubbard does with that and really helps us to get our events out to people who can’t be here so parents can view and attend,” Taylor said. “It’s a big part of what we’re doing.”

Another way the central office staff showed thanks to teachers was recently grilling out at lunchtime at each school during National Teacher Appreciation Week.

“We want to make sure that our staff knows that we appreciate all of their contributions on the part of our students,” Taylor said. “It has been a heck of a year, but everybody has met the bell every time they’ve had to, so we really appreciate you all.”

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