Jackson County will continue to meet pandemic challenges


The Tribune

For many of us, we spent more time wishing time would speed up instead of slowing down this past year.

March 16 marked one full year since the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Jackson County — a grim period that will be examined and studied by historians and scientists for decades to come.

Thousands of families were, and in many cases continue to be, negatively impacted by the virus that has claimed more than 67 lives in the county, 12,000 lives statewide and a half-million lives across the United States.

On top of sickness and death, livelihoods were flipped upside down. Unemployment rose to highs not seen since the Great Depression in 2020, as numerous businesses across the area were forced to close up shop.

Along the way, we’ve — sometimes begrudgingly — changed our habits to make sure the cogs of society continued to turn. Some workplaces and schools moved to online formats while others, like factory workers, had to change everyday practices to ensure going to work wasn’t a life-or-death situation.

The pandemic has taken a toll on each and every person in Seymour, but it has also brought out the best in some of us.

There hasn’t been any shortage of acts of goodwill, and we’ve tried to highlight that in The Tribune during these dark times.

Some of those stories included sewing groups making masks for healthcare workers, dozens of citizens donating time and money to local food banks, and car parades celebrating the milestones that should’ve been held in person. The list is long, which says a lot about our community.

As we enter year two of life in a pandemic, there should be a lot of optimism towards the future. We have three vaccines that are highly effective, and the number of positive cases and deaths are dropping at rates that didn’t seem possible this past November.

Plenty of challenges are ahead, but Brownstown, Crothersville, Medora, Seymour and Jackson County will continue to adapt and learn as we push forward, together, for a brighter future.

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