Friends of Spring Mill to hold virtual annual meeting


The Friends of Spring Mill State Park annual meeting will be conducted virtually this year at 6 p.m. March 16.

People don’t have to be a current member of the group to attend.

President Teena Ligman said she will miss seeing everyone gather in person to celebrate the group’s accomplishments and discuss plans again this year.

“We had to cancel our annual meeting in March 2020, so it has been awhile since we’ve all been together,” she said.

However, with the uncertainties of COVID-19, attendance might be better if people could meet virtually and safely join from their homes, she said. Some Friends members live in other states, so this would give them an opportunity to call in and participate, she added.

In 2020, when so many things could not happen and most park events were canceled or scaled back, the group still was able to accomplish many worthwhile things and wants to share those with members. In addition to the accomplishments and plans for 2021, Mark Young will speak on the changes he has seen in the Mitchell park over the past 39 years.

The Friends group is working on developing a website to make more of the park history accessible to people, including photos and historic documents and oral histories that were recorded over the years.

Ligman said it should be an interesting program, and door prizes will be offered. The link to register is or

Information: Call 812-278-0139 or email [email protected]

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