Crothersville going after road funding again; streelights added



Crothersville received Community Crossings Matching Grant funding from the state for the third time earlier this year.

That resulted in paving projects on Main Street Circle, Main Street, Walnut Street, Bard Street, Walnut Street, Vine Street, Central Avenue and Cindy Lane.

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Now, the town plans to go after funding for a fourth time as applications for the first round of 2021 are being accepted.

During a recent meeting, Brad Bender with FPBH Inc. told the town council the road inventory has been updated and submitted to the Indiana Department of Transportation to determine eligibility for the CCMG program. That will help determine what roads can be included in the application.

Bender recommended forming a committee consisting of two council members, Street Superintendent Mike Deaton and FPBH engineer Josh Shaw to figure out the streets needing the most attention.

“I think the biggest thing is figuring out your budget,” Bender said. “Start with the budget so that we have a target that’s logical and that everybody can work toward.”

Council President Danieta Foster said the town’s 25% match will need to be around $75,000, which is similar to past years of receiving funding.

This year, Crothersville was awarded the full amount it applied for — $206,298.75. That followed the nearly $641,000 in CCMG funding the town received for paving projects in 2018 and 2019.

Another improvement to Main Street Circle recently completed is a major lighting upgrade. Six new lights were installed at a cost of $19,965.54.

Six lights also were added on the portion of East Walnut Street that is set to be paved in 2021. Those cost $24,318.13.

All of the lighting will be paid for over a five-year period, Foster said. The council also is working with Duke Energy on LED lighting upgrades throughout the town.

In 2017, the council approved adding Main Street Circle and a continuation of Walnut Street to the street inventory and accepting the sewers. That followed some residents living on Main Street Circle requesting the town pave the street and add streetlights.

For the previous 20 years, the addition had been privately owned. The street had never been paved and streetlights weren’t installed, but homes were hooked up to the town’s sewer line.

In late 2016, a southern Indiana real estate developer asked the town to accept an unpaved portion of East Walnut Street and the sewer so he could establish a 12-home addition. Because of a long history of drainage issues in that area, though, the council didn’t adopt the street or sewer.

During a meeting in 2017, the council changed its tune after hearing from town attorney Jeff Lorenzo and Bender. Lorenzo said adopting the street but not the sewer would make it difficult for town employees if they had to repair one and not the other. Bender agreed, especially considering the areas are hooked into the town’s sewer line.

A positive to adding the streets to the town’s inventory is the opportunity to receive state funding for paving or repairs.

Deaton recently received one quote for paving the portion of East Walnut Street, but the council agreed it would like at least two more bids.

Foster said she’s OK with doing that, but she doesn’t think the town will be able to get more quotes this time of year.

“As long as you have requested other quotes, then you’re good to go,” Bender said. “You can’t make somebody turn something in. As long as you can document that you requested it, then you’re good.”

Awarding the paving project was tabled until the Jan. 5 meeting to give Deaton time to seek at least two more quotes.

“My only thing about it is I just want to make sure we cover our bases on it and make sure that we can document that we requested at least more or posted more to cover us on that end,” Councilman Jamy Greathouse said. “I have no doubts talking to some of the others, as well, that you’re correct on that. I just want to make sure we’re covered.”

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