Yes, Gracie, there is a real Santa Claus


Yes, Gracie, there is a real Santa Claus.

I remember seeing him when I was a youngster like you. In our hometown the Mason’s Lodge had a very large pine tree on their property and every Christmas they would decorate it with beautiful lights. All the kids in town would go to get their present and to see Santa. Each of us was handed a paper sack with an orange, some hard candies, and some mixed nuts to crack when we got home.

There were so many kids Santa didn’t have time to talk to each one, but of course we didn’t need to tell Santa what we wanted; the real Santa already knew.

But then Gracie, I didn’t see Santa for a long time. Oh, sure I saw the ones pretending to be Santa at the stores, but their beards sometimes didn’t fit, and their bellies didn’t always jiggle. Even then I would smile, especially if a child was sitting on his lap rattling off a list as long as your arm.

For many years I never saw the real Santa. I just bought presents for some of my family and friends.

Often, they were things that didn’t mean much. You know when they say, “Oh, you shouldn’t have!” and secretly mean it. It always felt good to give things rather than to receive something.

I always enjoyed all the decorations, even when I had to climb a ladder to hang them. I usually wanted snow for Christmas except the time I was in Korea.

But then I was married and had children of my own. And the joy of Christmas changed. This time my little ones would get to see the real Santa. And I saw him too. I could see him in the eyes of my children. And again, in the excitement of my granddaughters.

Gracie, I know some will tell you there isn’t a real Santa, and you will be sad when you believe them.

You know, Gracie, maybe the real Santa doesn’t live at the North Pole or has elves and reindeer. I feel the real Santa lives in our hearts.

Someday you will see the real Santa again just as I did. And your heart will swell, and you will know the real meaning of Christmas. It will be the way Santa wants you to feel. And he will know what presents you want, and they won’t come in wrapped packages.

Don Hill is a resident of Seymour and has served as a volunteer at Southern Indiana Center for the Arts for more than a quarter of a century. Send comments to [email protected].

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