Letter: What happened to customer service?


To the editor:

What happened to customer service?

A question many of us have asked at least once in the past few years. It could be very easy to point fingers and decide wonderful customer service does not matter to some business owners. When I decide to invest the money I have worked for into a business by using their service or purchase goods from them it is a business transaction. Once this is a business arrangement and not a relationship building exercise some professional decorum would be nice.

Recently while purchasing goods I asked for some help. The employee was very willing to help, yet once done I was told, "You’re welcome sweetheart."

Then when paying for my purchase they asked me, "Did you find everything honey?"

Then when the transaction was completed the said employee followed with "Have a great day sweetie."

Now, a friendly staff is not an issue with the business, but when did the staff and I become intimate?

Terms like sweetie, honey and sweetheart are terms of endearment and really do not a place in a business transaction. Even though the business world is relaxed and casual it is still a business. The days of suits and ties in the office are no longer necessary, but professionalism cannot be replaced with intimacy.

The use of sir or madam shows respect and leaves the recipient feeling appreciated. Please bring back a little respect to our daily interactions when I am paying for your time.

Rhonda S. Holle, Seymour

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