Recorder’s office introduces programs to honor veterans


Staff Reports

A county officeholder recently unveiled two programs honoring veterans, just in time for Veterans Day.

“At the Jackson County Recorder’s Office, we recognize the sacrifice Jackson County veterans have made to keep our community safe and free,” county Recorder Amanda Lowery said.

The new programs are designed to honor those sacrifices, she said.

First is an honor rewards program that allows veterans to sign up to receive an honor rewards card, which qualifies veterans for discounts at participating businesses in the community.

“We love to visit with our local veterans in person at the recorder’s office and help with enrollment in the program,” Lowery said.

Interested veterans also may register online at Just click on the Jackson County link and fill out the form.

Local businesses may register to offer discounts to veterans in this program in person at the recorder’s office or by visiting the same website online and clicking the business sign-up link.

Participating businesses will be listed on the honor rewards website for Jackson County to be distributed to veterans in the program. The businesses also will be promoted by the recorder’s office.

The second way the office is recognizing Jackson County veterans is through the military records preservation program.

The office serves as the state’s recommended backup for preserving original military discharge papers (including DD214) and other service-related documents. Veterans and their families can have peace of mind that these important papers will never be lost because certified copies will be kept safe and sound in the recorder’s records.

To preserve service-related documents with the office, stop by in person at the Jackson County Courthouse, 111 S. Main St., Brownstown.

Both programs are offered free to participating veterans. The programs also are operated at no additional cost to Jackson County taxpayers.

“As your county recorder, I have great respect for our veterans, and I am proud to offer these services,” Lowery said. “It is a way to give back to those who have sacrificed so much for the freedom we enjoy. I hope you will join me in thanking our veterans and in honoring their service by using these two great programs.”

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To register for the honor rewards card, visit

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For information about either program, call the Jackson County Recorder’s Office at 812-358-6113


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