Novel Idea: Natalie Smith


Name: Natalie Smith

Job title: Youth program specialist for the Jackson County Public Library

What’s the name of the book and author you are recommending?

“Midnight Sun” by Stephenie Meyer.

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What made you want to pick up this book in the first place?

I am a big fan of the “Twilight” series, so when Stephenie Meyer announced she would be releasing “Midnight Sun,” I knew I would have to read it.

Once you got into the book, what made you want to keep reading it?

I kept reading because of the main character. Edward Cullen has such complex thoughts, and it feels like you are getting much more than just a retelling of the first book.

Once you finished the book, what did you like about it?

I enjoyed getting to know the rest of the Cullen family more. Edward’s ability to read minds gives you the thoughts and feelings of not only his family but many other characters in the book. You also learn a lot of things that are not able to be explained from Bella’s perspective in “Twilight.”

What is the book about?

The book is the original story of “Twilight” from Edward’s perspective. Edward gives a much darker retelling of what it was like to meet Bella Swan and describes all of the trials that come with falling in love with a human as a vampire.

Why would you recommend this book to others?

If you are or were a fan of “The Twilight Saga,” I would recommend reading “Midnight Sun.” I enjoyed learning more about Edward and falling in love with the characters all over again. If you’ve never read “Twilight,” I would recommend picking it up first. I can imagine that it would make reading “Midnight Sun” much more satisfying.

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