A season of waiting


Hello, hello to all of my lovely blog readers.

It has been a long minute since I have shared with you through my writing. Most of that time has passed without having the words to say and not fully knowing what exactly to say. For that, I apologize.

But I am excited to finally share with you the words that I finally have.

Many of you have followed my journey of being called to live as a missionary in the Dominican Republic.

I had plans to leave in May and return in September with plans to move permanently in 2021. The coronavirus changed my plans and left me with no plan for several months.

Oct. 5: The day it all begins.

It came slowly. It came very delayed. But it was the day that the Lord chose from the beginning. It was the day he chose before I even had my own plans to go to the Dominican. He always knew.

To leave in May were my plans. To leave now are his plans. I am fully confident the Lord had me in Seymour for an extended period of time for very specific reasons. I met new people, had job opportunities, developed new friendships and made eternal relationships that will forever be a part of my journey in the Dominican Republic.

To be quite honest, I didn’t know when the day would finally come. It has been a journey with the Lord, one of lots of frustrations, questions and loss of words. I have felt this calling since I was in eighth grade. It has been almost 10 years that I felt the heaviness, weight and pulling of my heart in the Dominican Republic.

It has been almost a year and a half since I made the decision to finally pursue the calling the Lord placed over my life, anxiously waiting, patiently (but not so patiently) waiting, seeking what he had for me where I was.

For months, I had my phone background set as “Enjoy where you are now.” I needed that reminder daily.

One thing I learned is seeking the Lord in the waiting can be hard. It can be messy. It can be frustrating. It can feel hopeless but never is. It can feel lonely but never is. It can feel weary but never is. It can feel lost, but you never are. It can feel valley-some. But he is there with you.

The Lord has each day ordained and chosen for us, regardless of our own plans.

I am officially leaving for the Dominican Republic today. I will be returning Dec. 17 to spend the holidays with my family before moving permanently in January 2021.

The Lord will bring all things to fruition in his timing, all things to fullness in his time.

Please join me in this journey through prayer.

Like the Facebook page KB Missions to stay up to date on my journey, ministry and day-to-day life in the Dominican Republic.

Thank you for walking alongside me. I have been truly humbled and blessed by those in the kingdom that have rallied around me, cheered me on, supported me and prayed for me.

Weekly blogs will start up again, so be on the lookout.

Let’s get this journey started.

Keia Blair is a Seymour native who is leaving for the Dominican Republic to live as a missionary. Read her Keeping Up with Keia blog at keiablairmissions.wordpress.com. Send comments to [email protected].

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