Brownstown awards storm sewer project



A busy intersection in Brownstown will soon undergo storm sewer work.

The project will involve installing a new catch basin and a new pipe at Bridge and Main streets.

During a Brownstown Town Council meeting in July, Street Superintendent Phil Owens said a leak in a storm sewer or basin on Bridge Street is causing the street to drop.

Quotes from two Seymour companies were reviewed by the council at a recent meeting, and EnviroHeat LLC came in the lowest at $10,127. The other bid was $11,600 from Lawyer Excavation Inc.

The council unanimously approved to have EnviroHeat do the work but made a stipulation that it be started within a month’s time.

That was added after Clerk-Treasurer David Willey said a previous project on Water Street took longer to complete because the contractor worked for a while, left for a while and then returned later on.

“It’s really bad for the landowner because (the company was) working in his back yard, his driveway and everything,” Willey said.

In her motion to approve the quote for the Bridge Street project, Councilwoman Sharon Koch included the stipulation. Councilman Gary Drake also suggested asking EnviroHeat to give a time frame for how long the project will take to complete.

“I’m all for going with the lowest bid, but to Sharon’s point, if one of them is going to work a day and then take two or three days off, that’s not good,” Drake said. “I think we would be better off paying a little bit more if we have to to have it done in a timely manner.”

Willey and the council agreed the storm sewer work definitely is needed.

“I know Bridge Street is getting worse,” Koch said. “I used to be able to straddle it with my car, and I can’t straddle it. I hit one side or the other now.”

Council President Gregg Goshorn said it’s an incredibly busy intersection with vehicles taking Bridge Street to go to and from the high school and town park.

The council also discussed storm sewer work in the 300 block of South Water Street, and Lawyer Excavation had a lower bid than EnviroHeat.

Owens said a new catch basin needs to be installed along with 25 feet of plastic pipe and 20 feet of curb to address the issues on that street.

The council delayed its vote on that project until Councilman Tim Robinson could touch base with the bidders to see which one could start the work sooner.

The next council meeting is at 6 p.m. Monday at the town hall, 116 E. Cross St., Brownstown.

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