Our past experiences make us who we are today


Assume: (verb) supposed to be the case, without proof.

Meetings are a normal thing in the world of a city official. Citizens, redevelopment commission, council, developers and staff meetings all added to the last week. Each one has its own purpose and its own set of outcomes. Be careful, though. If you assume what the outcome will be, you may be surprised.

Last week, the redevelopment commission approved claims on several projects across the community. It also heard some new project requests and is working on how to streamline the application process.

Congratulations to the Leadership Jackson County Class of 2020. On July 28, I was able to attend the graduation for the 38th class. I would also like to thank Terrye Davidson for her leadership as she has led the organization for several years. I hope everyone will join me in welcoming the new director, Rexanne Ude, to the role.

Parks and recreation was my weekly department visit. I had a chance to help install the parking meter at Burkhart Plaza and then a chance to help mow at Freeman Field. Thank you to the Davidson family for donating original parking meter No. 155 to replace the one stolen from Burkhart Plaza.

I also enjoyed reading everyone’s assumptions of what happened to the “S” from the sign. No, it wasn’t stolen. It was, however, sent out for some reinforcement and to repair a light issue.

The Rumpke landfill in Medora will soon be capturing gas off of the landfill that will be processed into clean, usable natural gas. If I heard correctly, they should be able to heat 12,000 homes on what they capture.

While I didn’t give much of an intro, I hope you noticed a few references to variations of the word assume. This week, I had a chance to participate in one of my favorite groups. The Seymour Toastmasters Club has been meeting via Zoom, which is not the most ideal way to meet, but it works.

At a glance, you would look at a club like Seymour Toastmasters and possibly assume you will hear speeches about life in a small town. The reality of this group, though, is that you have members from all over the world, nine different nationalities in fact, who are trying to improve their public speaking and leadership skills.

This group is a wonderful outlet for me to learn and grow as a person. Each speech is a chance for me to think outside of my small town mindset and sometimes see everyday life from across the globe.

It would be easy for me to assume everyone has grown up on the same block as I have and spent much of each summer jumping their bicycle over whatever they could find. The reality is we are not all the same, and we didn’t all grow up the same even if we grew up on the same block.

Our past experiences make us who we are today. Before you assume to know all of the answers, keep this quote from the Fonz in mind: “Assumptions are the termites of relationships.”

Matt Nicholson is the mayor of Seymour. Send comments to [email protected].

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