Immanuel Ladies Aid 3 meets at church


Ladies Aid 3 met July 21 in the fellowship hall at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Seymour.

Fourteen members answered roll call, and a "thank you" was read from Immanuel’s parish education board for vacation Bible school. The minutes from the June meeting were presented and accepted by members on a motion made by Jane Pardieck that was seconded by Sandi Helwig.

Rosalie Grabinski gave the treasurer’s report, which also was approved.

The Rev. Jimmy Rodriguez presented the topic "Short and Powerful" from Psalm 117. In Exodus, God said to Moses he was pleased with him and "I know you by name."

Donna Runge and Ruth Schneider will have the August visitations.

Helwig reported on the November craft show. A decision will be made in August.

It was noted the staff appreciation luncheon and silent auction will be at 1:30 p.m. Sept. 22. A sign-up sheet was passed around for dishes to be brought.

The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. 

Linda Kamman served as hostess, and Linda Abraham and Sharon Klakamp will be hostesses in August.

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