Seventh annual Rock’n Run set


Registration for the Jackson County United Way’s seventh annual Rock’n Run event is open.

This year’s event will be virtual in consideration of public health and safety.

Participants can track their 5K with their fitness device (Fitbit, Garmin, smartwatch or on a smartphone with a running app), update a Google document with their time and upload a photo with their run results. The top 90 runners and walkers will receive finisher medals.

The event will run from 6 a.m. July 24 to 6 p.m. July 31. Participants may dress up in their best “rocker” gear, complete their walk or run and have fun while supporting the Rock’n Ready school supply distribution program.

Use the hashtag #jacsyrocknrun20 on social media to share your time and rockin’ looks.

The cost for this year’s run is $15, and registration for the event will be open until July 31.

To register, visit

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