Letter: Letter to the editor Phil Cordes


To the editor:

Who Will The Mistress Be?

Benito Mussolini was a Socialist in Italy many years ago.

Mussolini had been a newspaper man and soon realized the power of the press, especially when you were the only Press. He likewise realized the power of the school system when you controlled the curriculum and teachers. The control of the schools and the Press propelled Mussolini to power in Italy as its Fascist Prime Minister.

I like to watch Mark Levin on Fox News Sunday evenings. On June 21, 2020, he had two college professors on his show. One of them gave some statistics. In 1969 there were three Liberal college professors to every two Conservative ones. By 1999 the ratio had changed to five Liberals to one Conservative. It is now estimated that new college professors are being hired at the rate of 50 Liberals to one Conservative. Does this bother you? It should. With such an unbalance of “power”, what are our college students being taught? Think of all the school teachers produced by our colleges that are going out to teach our elementary, middle and high school children.

Now think of all the journalism students coming out of our colleges. It’s no wonder our news media are so Liberally biased.

Then versus Now versus Future. 20 years of Mussolini’s socialism led to fascism , several wars in North Africa, around the Mediterranean sea, World War II and finally the execution of Mussolini and his mistress. 20 years of Hitler’s’ socialism led to Nazism, World War II and the suicide of Hitler and his mistress. Where is our socialism heading? How will our grandchildren cope will the mess we are leaving them?

Phil Cordes, Seymour

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