Human Services accepting applications for EAP CARES Act funding


Human Services Inc. is accepting applications for Energy Assistance Program CARES Act funding.

The program is available to income-eligible households, new and returning.

To be eligible for the funding, a household must have at least one household member that experienced a job loss or reduction in hours due to the COVID-19 pandemic from March 6 to July 3 with verified proof from the employer and apply for this program before July 31 or until funding is depleted.

Households that are eligible will receive a one-time benefit of $350 on a heating and/or electric bill.

New households should contact the local office to request a mail-in application be mailed to them or they can access an application online at

Returning households should contact the local office for information on where to send documentation and to verify EAP enrollment.

Funds are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Information: 812-522-8718

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