Wildflower ID with Flora Field Day set


Learn or practice wildflower identification skills during a Flora Field Day at Pine Grove State Recreation Area on July 7 with Monroe Lake interpretive naturalist Jill Vance.

The hands-on session starts at 9:30 a.m. It’s free, but advance registration is required by July 5 at bit.ly/florafieldjul2020.

Participants must practice social distancing and are encouraged to bring a mask to wear when in close proximity to others.

Vance will work with each attendee based on their level of experience. If you’ve never worked with wildflower ID, this is a great opportunity to learn how to use a field guide effectively. If you have some experience, it’s an opportunity to practice your skills with others.

Pine Grove SRA is located at the end of Pine Grove Road in Bloomington off of State Road 446. Admission is free.

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