Be cautious, don’t ignore reality of the coronavirus


As Indiana continues its "Back on Track" phased reopening, as people resume activities that were stopped after shutdown orders took effect, it’s worth stating the obvious.

As Indiana continues its "Back on Track" phased reopening, as people resume activities that were stopped after shutdown orders took effect, it’s worth stating the obvious.

Namely, that the coronavirus is still with us. And that we can’t afford to ignore this reality.

It’s understandable that people are frustrated and tired of being shut in, that they’re anxious to regain a sense of normalcy. But throwing caution to the wind – by not wearing masks in public, by eschewing physical distancing, by disregarding the advice of health officials – could jeopardize all that was gained during months spent in self-quarantine.

There are cautionary tales all around us if we care to look. In at least half a dozen states that have reopened – Arizona, Florida, Texas, Arkansas and North and South Carolina – the number of cases is rising steeply.

In Indiana, a spike in cases in LaGrange and Elkhart counties drew the attention of the Indiana State Health Department. Last week, the chief medical officer for the ISHD visited those counties to deliver medical supplies, educational materials and other support. In Elkhart, where the county’s number of COVID-19 infections more than tripled in May, the county commissioners and the health department on Monday urged county residents to use masks in public areas outside their household where social distancing cannot be maintained effectively. And the LaGrange County Health Department recommended all people wear masks in public areas, including on public transportation and van transports.

And as reported in today’s Tribune, St. Joseph County has experienced a rise in the number of coronavirus cases since Stage 2 of Indiana’s reopening began last month.

Meanwhile, a scientific study of statewide testing showed fewer active infections and a greater number of people testing positive for the antibodies – evidence that the virus has slowed its spread in Indiana, according to the lead scientist on the study.

"We currently have more people previously infected than are currently infected," Nir Menachemi, a professor and Fairbanks Endowed Chair in the Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health at IUPUI, said in a news release.

Menachemi acknowledged that the reasons for the decline could vary, but noted that it’s "likely that the virus has slowed due to our collective efforts to be safer, engage in social distancing, and reduce transmission by wearing masks and adhering to higher hand- and surface-hygiene standards. This was an example of Hoosiers successfully hunkering down during the initial outbreak."

And we all can build upon that success by taking a cautious approach, listening to health officials -and acknowledging that the coronavirus hasn’t gone away.

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