Tri Kappa announces euchre winners for season


Gamma Phi chapter of Tri Kappa charity euchre did not have a city high winner or runner-up this year.

Most of the groups did not finish out their year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The following are the high scores in each group based on the scores from the months that were played.

First-place winners in each group were Delbert and Alberta Tormoehlen, ​Marsha Jane Waskom and Karen Zike, ​Norma Pollert and Mary Lou Stockamp, ​Scot and Karyn Fleetwood, ​Tom and Marcia Snyder, ​Brenda Darlage and Betty Chastain, ​Steve and Lisa Hoene, ​Les and Betty Tormoehlen, ​Brenda Papin and Jeannie Johnson, ​Karen Zike and Terrie Lahrman, ​Nippy and Carol Schneider and ​Linda Booher and Cathy Stuckwisch.

Second-place winners were Norma Pollert and Mary Lou Stockamp, ​Billie Jo Otte and Margy Hayes, ​Floyd and Cathy Stuckwisch, ​Kenny and Vicki McKain, ​Joyce Lucas and Janet Myers, ​Patty Elmore and Marcia Snyder, ​Doug and Joan Nichols, Marilyn Stuckwisch and Grace Stuckwisch and Richard Darlage and Richard Rieckers (tie), Kathy Rebber and Tammy Wright, Vicki McKain and Linda Tatlock, James and Katrina Miller and Susie Pollert and Millie Otte.

The charity euchre program supports local scholarships, Riley Hospital for Children and the hospital’s cheer guild, local nursing homes, Hoosier Art Salon, Adopt-a-Spot and the state Gifted and Talented program. The monies raised also go to local charities and cultural and education programs as voted on by the chapter.

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