Local program offers free health coverage enrollment


Covering Kids and Families of United Way offers free local and unbiased assistance to anyone needing to enroll in Medicaid or Marketplace health insurance.

Certified navigators are trained and experienced in Medicaid and Marketplace enrollment.

Jackson County United Way is the lead agency for Covering Kids and Families in Bartholomew and Jackson counties. There is no cost for navigator assistance.

To make an appointment, Jackson County residents should call 812-530-1749, while Bartholomew County residents and the Spanish-speaking population should call 812-530-1334. Appointments also may be made online at jacsy.org/ckf.

Navigators are taking precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by working virtually and encouraging forms to be sent electronically or by mail to staff.

Currently, there are 4,217 people in Jackson County who qualify for Medicaid but aren’t enrolled, according to a news release from United Way. If all 4,217 were enrolled, insurance rates would drop for everyone, and an additional $27 million would be added to the local economy in insurance payments to physicians, hospitals and other medical professionals.

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