Cold Night Out conducting drive-by prayer


The Jackson County Cold Night Out Shelter has completed its winter housing for the second year in a row, but it has not ended its service to one another.

From 6 to 7:30 p.m. Monday through May 8, the organization’s board is conducting drive-by prayer in the parking lot at Shops at Seymour, 357 Tanger Blvd.

“This is an outstanding way to celebrate the making of God’s victories in our lives,” said the Rev. Sondra Gentry, director of the shelter. “God is a promise maker and keeper.”

Each church can select a day of the week they would host this outdoor prayer. The host church or churches will be noted on a sign at the entrance to the drive-by prayer.

Someone will be holding a sign at each station indicating a prayer topic. The topics include defeat COVID-19, salvation, healing, USA, finances, faith, hope, joy, peace, victory, leadership, frontline workers, family and community.

As people drive by in their cars, everyone will observe social distance but not spiritual distance, Gentry said.

“The Cold Night Out board wants to support the community in this time of pandemic by doing what you have done for two years in supporting homeless persons: We want to meet the needs of our community by covering them in prayer physically, mentally, socially, emotionally and financially,” Gentry said.

“Clearly, we can defeat COVID-19,” she said. “’But Jesus beheld them and said unto them, ‘With men, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible’ (Matthew 19:26).”

From Dec. 1, 2019, to March 3, 2020, Cold Night Out provided 955 night housing/day shelter assistance, Gentry said. That exceeded last year’s shelter assistance by 96 assists, not including hotel housing that was provided prior to the opening date and hotel housing that has been provided since the closing date.

In a letter to supporters, Gentry said this year, donations helped Cold Night Out triple transportation supports, give the shelter a car, provide meals, purchase bus passes for guests, donate four bicycles to guests and support the purchase of a car for a guest by paying 75% of the cost.

Supporters also backed the organization’s efforts to open educational doors for guests by paying for diploma classes.

“When guests were ready to move into apartments, you furnished apartments and stocked their refrigerators with food for the first month. We were able to pay for medical care, dental care, prescriptions, work shoes, provide toiletries, towels, haircuts, etc. because you always rose to the occasion of meeting the needs of our guests,” Gentry wrote. “You are amazing.”

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What: Drive-by prayer, hosted by Jackson County Cold Night Out Shelter’s board

When: 6 to 7:30 p.m. Monday through May 8

Where: Parking lot at Shops at Seymour, 357 Tanger Blvd.

Who: Open to the public; local churches can select a day of the week to host the outdoor prayer; if interested, call 812-519-3438

Topics: COVID-19, salvation, healing, USA, finances, faith, hope, joy, peace, victory, leadership, frontline workers, family and community


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