Property tax deadline set, but waiver process put in place


Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb has issued an executive order temporarily waiving fees attached to late property tax payments due after May 11.

The waiver of these fees will last for 60 days, making any late payments made before July 11 exempt from late fees. Taxpayers, however, are encouraged to make timely payments to ensure orderly operations of government.

The deadline to file for a personal property tax return remains May 15; however, anyone may apply for a 30-day extension, giving them until June 14 to file.

Jackson County Treasurer Roger Hurt said his office is complying with this order.

“The waiver date is July 10, 2020,” he said. “Please note that the due date did not get extended and some tax classifications are exempt from the order.”

The original order states those exempt from these waivers are property tax payments made through an escrow account or mortgage company.

Hurt said the continued collection of these taxes is essential to support the community.

“We all must keep in mind that it is the duty of the office of the treasurer to collect and process the current taxes from 2019 pay 2020 to allow the auditor to settle out these collected taxes in the spring settlement process to the units,” he said.

“While I completely understand the order, we must also keep in mind that settlement process is needed to support the local units, aka fire departments, police department, etc.,” he said. “Again, the treasurer’s office will adhere to all orders that are issued.”

Jackson County payments may be made through the mail, the drop box located at the back entrance of the courthouse in Brownstown or online at

Hurt said no cash will be accepted for payments at this time as an added safety precaution.

“This is due to the fact that there are no person-to-person transactions being allowed at this time due to the courthouse being closed to the public,” he said. “Cash should never be placed in the mail and or the drop box. It is not a safe practice period.”

The only physical means of payment currently being accepted are checks and cashier’s checks.

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Jackson County property tax payments can be made through the mail, the drop box located at the back entrance of the courthouse in Brownstown or online at

No cash will be accepted for payments at this time as an added safety precaution. The only means of payment being accepted are checks and cashier’s checks.


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