Pedestrian crossing signs requested at busy intersection



At peak times on a school day, the intersection of Spring and Stout streets in Brownstown gets congested.

Students walk to and from Brownstown Central middle and high schools, either for classes, sports practices or other activities. They also walk in the area going to and from home. Brownstown Christian Church Early Learning Ministry, which houses a daycare and preschool, also is at that intersection.

School Resource Officers Samuel Hughes and Adam Behmlander recently were asked about adding pedestrian crossing signs with flashing lights similar to ones installed along Walnut Street near the middle school and Bridge Street near the high school. They passed that request on to Street Superintendent Phil Owens.

“There have been some concerns with children walking through there, probably in the lower-light conditions, I would assume,” Brownstown Police Department Chief Tom Hanner told the Brownstown Town Council during a recent meeting.

“There are a lot of kids that go across there,” Owens said.

Council President Gregg Goshorn said the signs currently in place were purchased with a grant. He said the town could apply for another grant or see if all interested parties would be willing to split the cost.

Goshorn said the area is particularly congested between 2:45 and 3:15 p.m. when schools release and buses are out.

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