Brownstown recognizes Students of the Month



Brownstown Central Community School Corp. honored its first Students of the Month for the 2020 portion of the school year.

Recognized during Tuesday night’s board of trustees meeting in the Brownstown Elementary School cafeteria were first-grader Noah Davidson, sixth-grader Madison Bennett and senior Blaney Phillips.

Davidson was selected Little Brave of the Month for good listening by his teacher, Julie Isaacs.

"He demonstrates daily that he can follow classroom rules, and one of them is to listen and follow directions. He always knows what he is supposed to do because of his listening skills," Principal Chrystal Street said in reading Isaacs’ comments.

"Another reason he was chosen for best listener is because he works very well with others when we have partner reading or partner games. He listens and shows respect to his classmates, which makes the partner reading more enjoyable," Isaacs wrote. "Also, Noah demonstrates good listening comprehension skills. Whenever I read a book aloud to the class, he’s able to listen and answer questions about the story."

Isaacs said Davidson definitely deserves to be honored and she’s very proud of him. Street complimented him, too.

"I’ve seen Noah in the hallways, and he’s just always smiling, so good, good kid," Street said.

Bennett was selected by the sixth grade teachers. While several students were mentioned as good candidates, the teachers said Bennett stood out for demonstrating the school’s vision.

"Madison has a desire to do well, not only because it is expected of her but also because she has an innate desire to do well for herself," Principal Doug McClure said in reading the teachers’ comments. "If she makes a mistake, she perseveres without getting frustrated or annoyed that she has to try again."

McClure praised her for that quality, too.

"It seems like in a day and age where the level of frustration and the level of commitment wanes, to have a student like Madison who knows how to persevere, that’s being resourceful," he said. "That’s one of the things we try to teach all of our middle school students."

The teachers also said Bennett is diligent and meticulous in improving whenever possible.

"While Madison is a very quiet young lady, she is willing to help and lead others to better themselves, as well," they wrote. "In the classroom, she is focused, ready at all times and always uses her time wisely. Madison can be counted on to be honest and responsible and is a pleasure to have in class. She is dedicated to being the best version of herself and puts a great amount of effort into everything she does. With her work ethic and reliability, there is no doubt that Madison is going to go far."

McClure echoed the teachers’ thoughts.

"Every day when this child walks into my building, she has the sweetest smile," he said. "She’s just very powerful in the way that she presents herself, and she is a pleasure to have in the building."

Phillips was selected by family and consumer sciences teacher Katlynn Schnitker. In her four years of high school, Phillips has taken all but one of Schnitker’s classes and has served multiple trimesters as a teaching assistant.

"Blaney always produces quality work and is always ready to dive in and try new recipes and techniques in the kitchen," Principal Joe Sheffer said in sharing Schnitker’s comments. "She is organized and has a great work ethic. She sets up to help others who are struggling and sets a good example for others. Blaney always says yes to any task given to her and helps me remember things I’ve forgotten more times than I can count."

Schnitker said it will be tough to see Phillips graduate.

"She is the type of student that makes me proud to be an educator, and she brings me joy every day in class," Schnitker wrote. "I will miss her immensely when she graduates this year, and I know she will do great things in her future."

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