Be kind, caring and true — it will all come back to you


I woke up Saturday morning and instantly felt grateful.

For one, I could experience another day on Earth. We all should be thankful for that opportunity.

Then while checking my Facebook account, I saw a notification where I was tagged in a post by Dustin and Kayla Mullins. The post said I was one of 10 people who won their Thanksgiving drawing. There also was a video of their kids helping them draw the names one at a time.

I soon received a message from them about setting up a time to deliver the basket, and I replied they could stop by my house that afternoon.

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Around 12:30 p.m., my doorbell rang, and I went to the door to find Dustin and Kayla trailing their five children, Grace, David, Kaden, Dawson and Kolby. Each of the kids was holding a different item.

After they placed the items in my house, I thanked them, and they went on their way. I then looked in the basket and found three boxes of macaroni and cheese, two boxes of turkey stuffing and two cans of cranberry sauce. There also was a bag of potatoes, a turkey, a container of whipped topping and two pumpkin pies.

Wow! I was blown away. What a blessing to receive these items with Thanksgiving coming up this week.

Also in the basket was a card. On the front, it reads, “It’s time to count the blessings that our faithful Father sends …” Inside, it reads, ” … and once again, right at the top are family and friends. Blessings at Thanksgiving.” On the inside, there also was a Bible quote from John 1:16 NLT: “We all have all received one gracious blessing after another.”

While that all meant a lot to me, it was even better when I saw each of their seven names handwritten on the card.

I know they didn’t post about the Thanksgiving drawing and go shopping for all of those items to receive a thanks on Facebook or a column in the newspaper, but I feel they deserve it for their gracious act.

Be kind

Kindness can be found more often than you think. It would just be better if that’s what we were surrounded by all of the time.

On Saturday morning, I felt called to write about their kind gesture. What an outstanding idea to do this time of year when it seems people count their blessings and express their thankfulness more than any other time of the year.

What would really be outstanding is if people showed kindness year-round. I know a lot of people do, but the more kindness you show, the more it will come back to you.

Be caring

Thinking of others more than yourself is a character trait I truly admire.

By coming up with the idea for the Thanksgiving baskets and following through, the Mullins family showed they care. They said they did it because God has blessed them above and beyond, and they love to give. They decided it would mean a lot to them to make a difference in other people’s lives.

Well, I for one know they did just that for me, and I am sure that’s the case for the other nine winners.

Be true

Being honest and true is something I strive for every day, and I hope everyone else does, too.

The Mullins family displayed truth in sharing the Thanksgiving drawing on Facebook and following through by using their own hard-earned money to buy the items and give the food away.

They didn’t have to do that, but they did. What an admirable act. I am sure their good deed was appreciated by all who received the items, and I liked seeing people who didn’t win congratulate those who did and thank the Mullins family for what they did.

As I carried on with the rest of my day, despite the rain outside, my spirit was lifted. The Mullins family doing this is something I will never forget, and as I gather with my family this week, I will think of them.

As I move forward in life, they have inspired me to be kind, caring and true in all that I do. Sure, it’s nice when it all comes back to you, but that’s not why anyone should hold those traits. It should just be a way of life, whether you accept anything in return or not.

I know I will have a blessed Thanksgiving, and I hope the same for all of you.

Zach Spicer is a reporter for The Tribune. Send comments to [email protected].

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