This page intended as forum of ideas


(Portland) Commercial Review

What is this page for?

Longtime newspaper readers understand what an editorial page is all about.

But in this age of Internet snark and Facebook tripe, maybe a reminder is necessary.

This page is a forum, a place where ideas and opinions and concepts are exchanged, a place where questions are raised and thoughts are provoked.

Ideally, it should be entertaining, informative and as wide-ranging as possible within the constraints of space.

Last week, for instance, three letters to the editor appeared from local readers.

One was fiercely critical of President Trump. The second was staunchly loyal in its defense of the president and steadfast in opposition to his critics.

And the third letter agreed with the first in equally strong terms.

All three were well-written. And all three were thought provoking.

That is, the process of reading them forced you to test your own opinions.

Your views might have been reinforced, or they might have been challenged. But the very process of reading another’s opinion should have led you to re-examine your own.

That’s the way it’s supposed to work.

That’s what a forum is all about.

It’s not a pep rally for one opinion or another. Pep rallies may provoke passion and enthusiasm, but they’ve never been known to provoke thoughtful reassessment of ideas.

Why is this important? Because over the next 12 months or so this country is going to be engaged in one of those ongoing debates about its future.

The agenda could hardly be more volatile: Impeachment, a presidential election, allegations and counter allegations.

There’s plenty to be debated. There are plenty of ideas to consider, some to be adopted and some to be discarded.

That is what this page is for. Always has been, always will be.

Send comments to [email protected].

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