Novel idea: Janet Hensen


Name: Janet Hensen

Title: Information services manager for the Jackson County Public Library

What’s the name of the book and author you are recommending?

“The Puppy That Came for Christmas: How a Dog Brought One Family the Gift of Joy” by Megan Rix. It is a true story that is available as an ebook through OverDrive/Libby or as a book through Evergreen Indiana.

What made you want to pick up this book in the first place?

I enjoy both books about dogs and Christmas books, especially this time of year. The picture on the front cover is really sweet.

Once you got into the book, what made you want to keep reading it?

I enjoyed reading about the training the puppies go through to be part of the Helper Dogs program. I can’t imagine my dog moving my laundry to the dryer.

Once you finished the book, what did you like about it?

I am a sucker for happy endings, and the people and the dogs in the story all got their happy ending.

What is the book is about?

The story mostly takes place from one Christmas to the next. During that year, an English couple struggling with fertility issues begin fostering and training golden retriever puppies to be used as service dogs for people with disabilities. They would fall in love with the tiny puppies they were training, only to be heartbroken when the puppies moved on to the next level at 6 months old. Finally, they end up with a puppy who comes to stay.

Why would you recommend this book to others?

It is a short, feel-good holiday read but touches on issues that are very real and hard and shows how one family dealt with them. Plus, there are puppy pictures in the book.

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