Letter: Letter to the Editor Danieta Foster


We, as a society, often become complacent. We go about our daily lives, not always paying attention to what is happening around us. Or, perhaps, we are paying attention, but assume there is nothing we can do, except complain or ignore.

Local elections are coming up fast. This is where you can make a difference.

This is where you can let your voice be heard. This could make a difference for your community and what is happening directly around you. Local elections are notorious for low voter turnout. It’s time to change that.

The candidates on the ballots this November are those who will make a difference right in our own front yards. I believe local elections are just as important as any other.

Get to know who will be running your town. Who will be making decisions for you? Make sure they are people who want the same things you want, and know how to get those things in motion. Know that they have your best interests at heart. Know that they want to make a difference, that they aren’t in it just for a position of power, to be in the public eye, or to fulfill an agenda.

It takes more than showing up for a meeting a couple times a month. It takes passion, love for the community and a desire to make a difference. Become informed. Vote. Be it absentee, early voting or going to the polls on November 5th. make it your priority, make a difference.

When the elections are over, continue to be involved. Go to meetings, talk to those who represent you, hold their feet to the fire, hold them accountable. Let’s make this the highest local election turnout in Jackson County history.

Danieta Foster, Crothersville

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