Friends and Neighbors club meets at Cornerstone


Thirteen members of the Friends and Neighbors Home Extension Club arrived at Cornerstone Community Church on Sept. 24 and were served a luncheon of ham salad sandwiches, chips, grapes, Halloween candies and pumpkin cake roll.

President Ruby Niccum called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag and the club creed.

Secretary Helen Lutes presented the minutes, and treasurer Shirley Sears reported a $25.54 balance with $8.87 in the friendship tin. The treasurer reported she received nine thank-you notes from 4-H club members for the club’s contribution for Mini 4-H T-shirts.

Devotional leader Judy Carter used Genesis 6:9-18 to illustrate that we are commanded to honor God by the way we live and to walk faithfully with him.

Niccum reminded everyone to mark their calendars for the spring district meeting March 17 in Salem. She gave a lesson on Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health. The hospital’s foundation raised $1 million in 1924 to build the hospital. There are 318 inpatient rooms, and 300,000 patients are seen annually.

Niccum said people can get involved by sharing the Riley story; becoming digital ambassadors on Facebook; participating in their events; having fundraisers; donating their time; and encouraging employers to give and name a wagon (presently 500 wagons which last one to three years). It costs $2,500 to name a wagon.

Co-hostesses Charlotte Lovegrove and Debbie Shubert demonstrated how to make a pumpkin centerpiece out of a roll of toilet paper. They supplied the materials except for the roll of toilet paper, which each member brought.

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